Grafisk Optagelse
Visuel notetagning i realtid af dine begivenheder, konferencer og workshops
Hvad det er
Grafisk optagelse er visuel notetagning i realtid af dine begivenheder, konferencer og teamworkshops. Ved at fange de vigtigste nøglepunkter og omdanne dem til overbevisende visuelle komponenter, bringer jeg liv til diskussionen og forstærker de emner, der er dækket af talerne. Slutproduktet er et levende visuelt og brugbart dokument, der kan holde samtalen i gang og blive en del af organisationens kultur.

Vil du...
- Dokumenter og integrer de vigtigste takeaways i ét stort billede
- Orienter publikum og giv perspektiv på et emne
- Fremstil et overbevisende visuelt og brugbart dokument, der er en nem reference, der kan deles, og som kan holde samtalen i gang efter begivenheden
- Hold energien i rummet i gang

Hvordan det virker
- Jeg evaluerer dit projekt og dine mål
- Vi diskuterer, hvordan grafisk optagelse specifikt kan transformere din begivenhed og fastholde dens budskab bagefter
- Jeg foreslår den tilgang, der passer bedst til din kontekst (format, materialer, metode)
- På begivenhedsdagen engagerer jeg mig med taleren og kortlægger centrale tanker, begreber og milepæle, der dukker op fra præsentationen/diskussionen
- Efter arrangementet leverer jeg det endelige visual til dig i digital form inden for et par dage

Et par eksempler...
Saxogade Festival Copenhagen, Assemble Theatre Collective
Saxogade Festival Copenhagen, Assemble Theatre Collective
GBTA Conference 2024 Copenhagen
Folkeparken Høje Taastrup Kommune
Cross border digital services Seminar, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
Cross border digital services Seminar, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
Cross border digital services Seminar, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
Cross border digital services Seminar, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
Cross border digital services Seminar, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
Cross border digital services Seminar, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
Cross border digital services Seminar, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen
Placemaking Week Europe Conference 2023 in Strasbourg
Live interactive visual experience, where conference participants were asked to share their thoughts on a question and I turned their answers into illustrations.
Placemaking Week Europe Conference 2023 in Strasbourg
Live digital graphic recording on a keynote about civic engagement
Placemaking Week Europe Conference 2023 in Strasbourg
Live digital graphic recording on a keynote about equity and placemaking.
Placemaking Week Europe Conference 2023 in Strasbourg
Live digital graphic recording of a panel about placemaking and big challenges: can the small solutions solve the big challenges?
Placemaking Week Europe Conference 2023 in Strasbourg
Live digital graphic recording on a keynote about place-led development: "people, place and profit: can they be united?"
What makes you feel included in the city?
During the På Byens Vegne conference in Copenhagen about inclusion in the city, I asked people to share what makes them feel included in urban environments and drew their answers.
Most common beliefs about placemaking
During Placemaking Europe Week 2022 in Pontevedra, I asked participants to note the myths and beliefs they hear the most about participation in urban planning and placemaking, and I turned them into illustrations in real-time.
Capturing people's memories about the waterfront
During Kulturhavn in Copenhagen, I stood in public space and asked people about memories they have about the harbour. I incorporated them into one big visual of the waterfront.
Placemakers' Visual Stories
In The Urban Mycelium blog, I interview people in Copenhagen who work with participation and citizen involvement in urban planning, and I scribe their answers in real time.
Placemakers' Visual Stories
In The Urban Mycelium blog, I interview people in Copenhagen who work with participation and citizen involvement in urban planning, and I scribe their answers in real time.
What causes civic engagement?
Live graphic recording of a workshop on "The roots of citizen engagement" organized by Démocratie Ouverte and Ouishare as part of the Ouishare Fest 2021.
The objective was to visually represent the aha-moments that led the various stakeholders and participants to engage in society and for the climate.
What causes civic engagement?
Live graphic recording of a workshop on "The roots of citizen engagement" organized by Démocratie Ouverte and Ouishare as part of the Ouishare Fest 2021.
The objective was to visually represent the aha-moments that led the various stakeholders and participants to engage in society and for the climate.