Visuel historiefortælling
Formidle nøglebudskaber effektivt og forvandle komplekst indhold til livlige visuelle historier, som folk vil huske
Hvad det er
Uanset om du har et vigtigt budskab at formidle, eller komplekst, svært at fordøje indhold, som du gerne vil have dit publikum til at forstå… Husk: et billede siger mere end tusind ord!
Jeg forvandler dine ideer og indhold til livlige billedhistorier, som folk vil forstå, nyde og huske.
Vil du...
- Formidle kompleks information på en enkel måde og forbedre informationsopbevaring
- Forbind med dit publikum gennem historiefortælling
- Fang folks interesse, vækker nysgerrighed og lyst til at vide mere
- Udløs meningsfulde diskussioner og inspirerer til handling
Hvordan det virker
- Vi diskuterer dine behov og det ultimative formål og brugen af det visuelle
- Hvis det er relevant, sender du mig ekstra dokumentation, så jeg bedre kan forstå dit emne
- Jeg vurderer og foreslår nogle få nøglepunkter at fokusere på
- Jeg foreslår et første udkast til illustrationerne til feedback
- Jeg går videre til ændringerne og leverer den endelige version inden for et par dage
Et par eksempler...
Inviting residents to co-create a neighbourhood they love
Make City-Néo's participatory approach to community planning more visual, clear and inviting to the residents.
The illustrated story of Jane Jacobs
A comic on the life of Jane Jacobs, published on The Urban Mycelium: an illustrated blog on participatory city making and the human dynamics, not always visible, that help the city “grow better”.
Making the process of Professional Co-development visual, fun and clear
Creation of a poster for coach and facilitator Caroline Frank, to visualize the process of "professional co-development": the steps, objectives, framework and roles of the participants in a co-development session.
Working from home: from undergoing it to embracing it fully
Illustrations produced for a new service provided by coaches to businesses to help them change their relationship to teleworking, so that it benefits everyone in the company.
How are green revitalization plans experienced at a local level?
Illustrating the way in which an institution's new "green revitalization plans" are experienced locally, for a report by master students in political sciences.
Inviting CEOs to face their professional challenges with the help of co-development
Creation of 5 illustrations for the launch of a peer-coaching offer for CEOs. Telling the story of a CEO on his journey to solve their professional challenges with the help of peers.
What is the enneagram?
An illustrated video about the enneagram and the 3 centres of intelligence, for the enneagram training organization Ennea9.
Telling the story of an experimentation about third places and resilience in La Réunion, carried out by Isopolis.
To image this facilitator and consultant's website, we chose the metaphor of the kitchen and cooking, which represents well the collective intelligence required in driving change.
For this competition, the real estate company wanted to highlight the team's unique value proposition. I drew a comic strip describing a day in the life of 2 future inhabitants, in order to pin point elements of the programme as well as the atmosphere.
An illustration made for DIS Study Abroad, to illustrate the concept of Universal Design for Learning. (Creative Commons licence)