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Det kræver en hel del at indkapsle alt det, der gør dig unik, fra den du er, til det du tilbyder – og ord kan kun bringe dig så langt.
Jeg er her for at hjælpe dig med at afdække din magi med fængslende visuel historiefortælling, der vil forbinde dig med dine drømmekunder og øge din indflydelse.
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Tidligere eventyr
I participated in a professional co-development session facilitated by Mathilde. She is an experienced facilitator and she managed to create a nurturing space for creativity and sharing. Her visuals were very helpful in framing the conversation and bringing clarity. Mathilde is structured and attentive, which is key!
FloreHR Consultant 
I asked Mathilde to scribe an online conference on environmental and civic engagement. It was not an easy exercise and she captured exactly what we were looking for. I particularly enjoyed the way in which she took up the subject, bringing her own sensitivity, her proposals and her professionalism. And personally, I love her style!
A thousand thanks for this great visual mirroring. The drawings perfectly reflected my imagination. Now I have a nice visual to remind me instantly of who I am and what I want professionally. Sharing what was in my head and in my heart through a non-judgmental discussion has a relaxing effect, and it felt good!
MarieCommunication Manager